
Self Evaluation of my academic year

This year we have experienced many things, for me, from the beginning was a little tricky, because we know that this is the last year that we are in college. That is why we must have all work reliz. Complete all fields, worrying about having good grades and have a good practice to start next year with our professional practice. We have also a some difficult task because we started to develop our thesis, which is called "undergraduate seminar", personally this has been very difficult, as I had never done anything like it. Well, then I will present in more detail some of the important things this year in academic terms.

I must admit that this year has been a special year, mainly because it is the last year of my career, well, the last year with class in the university because I do the professional practice the next year to get my teaching diploma. Overall this year was very good for me, I had classes that I liked a lot and had good grades, in the first semester I had better grades than the latter. Anyway I feel this was the year that has contributed to my teacher training, training that is essential for my future work.
As for our thesis (I say we because it is a work I'm doing with a partner) have been a work very hard for me because I had never made an invetigation seriously.
Of everything, what I've always liked is the practice, I love school and be with the children in the classroom, I like to do classes.
As for the subjects I have had some that I've loved and some that I consider a bit boring, knowing that are important to my training, between the classes that I liked most are: Mathematics, Education Policies, Teaching, Assessment, among others, and my least liked are: ethics and management.

Finally I believe that this has been a very productive year and where I learned more, I think in this last remaining class time will succeed in my goals and I can pass the clases, even those who have been more difficult. I think this is a test to prove that I can do some things I never thought I could do. And also to realize that all efforts are very important results, in this case, I would be the first person in my family to earn a degree.


I haven`t musical preferences, I hear all kinds of music, although I prefer the music in Spanish because I know immediately what the songs say, I think music in English I can´t listen if I don´t quite understand what it says. I do not have a music group and favorite Singer. I do not buy music CDs, I think they are very expensive, that's why I prefer to download music from free Internet sites, then I burn a cd or my pen drive and listen whenever I want. A special type of music I like is the folklore, I listen to always, don´t only for national holidays like everyone else. If you pass by my house any day in the morning I will be listening "Aires and Songs of our land" in "The Conqueror" or "Lord, how beautiful is my land" in "Radio Maria" I think folklore it's one of the most beautiful types of music that exists.
I can play quitar, I learned to do eleven years ago but easily, I mean, I play guitar quite well, but occasionally. I would like to learn better, because I think it would me for the future when I worked as an educator, because I think that music serves as a stimulant in the process of learning teach.
I like to sing songs, especially in the shower, although I prefer to put a radio and sing along to it because like this not only my voice is Heard.
my dad had a karaoke program on the computer, we liked to sing in a family with that program, but I do not know what happened, but the program is no longer on the computer.
I think music is important because it brightens people's lives, and were we go will be music.

Places to visit in Santiago
The first thing about Santiago is that is it a city like any other, with many buildings, traffic and many people. but anyway here we can find beautiful and unforgettable places.Now mention a list of places that I think it should skip visit in Santiago:Number one: The “General Cementery”, is located in Recoleta, was founded by Bernardo O'Higgins the December 9, in 1821. In this cemetery repose the principal framers of this nation, not only the authorities, they are also our artists, writers, folklorists and the elite of the leading practitioners in each area. For example, here lie the remains of Violeta Parra and Victor Jara.Also see the beauty of the sculptures that adorn the tombs and mausoleums, and some places a little more sinister with tombs of over one hundred years in ancient courtyardstwo: The “Barrio Concha y Toro”, This is located in downtown Santiago in the “Barrio Republica”, is a is a very old place. Is a historical site with very old buildings. In some places there are even street paving.three: The “Parque Forestal”, this is a big park, is found from "Estacion Mapocho" to “Plaza Italia", is covered by trees and is ideal to go during the day with children, because through the entire park are fun games for them. There are also places to eat. You can visit the Museum of Contemporary Art, which is very cheap.four: The “San Cristobal hill” is a very beautiful place, ideal to visit with family, there is the zoo, many green areas, restaurants and can get on a cable car. When there is not pollution from its height can be seen throughout santiago.five: “La quinta normal”. This is also a place to visit with family, there are several museums, such as railway museum. There is even an artificial lake where you can ride a boatI hope you enjoy these beautiful places of Santiago


I love this topic, because I can talk about my favorite series “Grey´s Anatomy” this is a series that chronicles the life of a medical resident named Meredith Grey. in this series, many things happen as romance between doctors, problems with patients, etc, what I like about this series is that it keeps me alert all the time. I did not miss a single chapter bridges because whenever something interesting happens and if I do not see it, I miss the chapters Countable. Gréy´s Anatomy es it is on Mondays at ten or at eleven pm. I do not know exactly what time because now I'm hoping that next season starts, on Sony cannel.
the main characters Gray's Anatomy are:
Meredith Grey: she is the protagonist, she tells the story.
Shepherd: is the doctor who is in love with meredith, but they have many problems.
Cristina Yang: She is best friends with meredith
Alex Karev: is also a resident doctor, the beginning is very unfriendly
Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: is a resident doctor, lives in the Meredith´s house and is the girlfriend of Alex.
George O'Malley: is a resident doctor and eternal love with Meredith, but he died on the sixth season.
These are the most important characters,of course there are more characters, but too many to name them all.
Of course I recommend this series is the best in the world.
I think that this new system is best than the old system, of course, is not perfect but it is better in so many aspects, for example I can use the bus and the underground paying only one time, and that it´s so good because I pay just $130 with my student card. I have luck because the new bus take me less than before, because now have a new route, a shorter route. I think that for me is worse in just one thing, because before y will have like five different buses to come to college, whereas now serves me only one.Of course not everything was good from the beginning, because the first days whit transantiago I could not even take the bus, because the people was like crazy people taking the buses, I don´t know why people behaved like this. But now everything is more quiet.Any way, this is only my opinión, because I know that so many people have problems with this new sistem, especially those living farther. But I hope that with the time all these problems have solution.I have nothing more to say about the Transantiago, I am satisfied with this and I know that nothing is perfect. What more could you want?

Actually I have not defined a country that I like to travel, because it is something that is not already in my plans, but if I have to choose one, I choose Australia.
I like to go to Australia, because I love animals and in this country there are various species really nice as kangaroos and koalas. I really do not know much of this country, that's why I like to visit.
The only truth I know is that the crocodile hunter's Australasian, well, it was Australasian because he is dead I know because I saw a television a program called Bindi or some like that, who is the daughter of Crocodile Hunter. In fact my son loves the program, he sees on the Discovery Kids Channel, and that is where they talk a lot of Australia. they talk about animals that live there and showing the landscapes are beautiful.
Another thing I know about Australia is that it is a big island located in Oceania, the official language of this country is English, so this blog helps me in the language if ever I go to Australia.
I like going to Australia as a tourist, just relax and know the beautiful things of this country
I think it would be interesting to see different species of animals in this country, because as I said, there are a lot.