

I haven`t musical preferences, I hear all kinds of music, although I prefer the music in Spanish because I know immediately what the songs say, I think music in English I can´t listen if I don´t quite understand what it says. I do not have a music group and favorite Singer. I do not buy music CDs, I think they are very expensive, that's why I prefer to download music from free Internet sites, then I burn a cd or my pen drive and listen whenever I want. A special type of music I like is the folklore, I listen to always, don´t only for national holidays like everyone else. If you pass by my house any day in the morning I will be listening "Aires and Songs of our land" in "The Conqueror" or "Lord, how beautiful is my land" in "Radio Maria" I think folklore it's one of the most beautiful types of music that exists.
I can play quitar, I learned to do eleven years ago but easily, I mean, I play guitar quite well, but occasionally. I would like to learn better, because I think it would me for the future when I worked as an educator, because I think that music serves as a stimulant in the process of learning teach.
I like to sing songs, especially in the shower, although I prefer to put a radio and sing along to it because like this not only my voice is Heard.
my dad had a karaoke program on the computer, we liked to sing in a family with that program, but I do not know what happened, but the program is no longer on the computer.
I think music is important because it brightens people's lives, and were we go will be music.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Carol, like you I also prefer the music in Spanish rather than in English because I understand it easily the lyrics of the songs. I don´t buy any records and some of the music that I like I listen directly from Youtube.

    Greetings to Benjita.

  2. Hello Carol, your music is boring!!!!!

  3. I think it's so nice when a family gets together and sings. My family used to do that when I was young and we also used to sing and play the guitar with our friends. Ah! the good old days.
    If you want to download the karaoke program, just write VanBasco on the searching bar. I've got lots of midi files I can send you if you want.
    Here's your corrected post.

    I haven’t musical preferences, SO I hear all kinds of music, although I prefer the music in Spanish because I know immediately what the songs say. I think I’D RATHER NOT listen TO music in English if I don´t quite understand what THE LYRIC says. I do not have EITHER a FAVOURITE music group OR favorite Singer.
    I do not buy music CDs BECAUSE I think they are very expensive. That's why I prefer to download music from free Internet sites, then I burn a cd or COPY IT my pen drive and listen TO IT whenever I want.
    A special type of music I like is the folklore. I always listen to IT, NOt only for national holidays like everyone else. If you pass by my house any day in the morning I will be listening "Aires and Songs of our land" in "The Conqueror" or "Lord, how beautiful is my land" in "Radio Maria" I think folklore IS one of the most beautiful types of music that exists.
    I can play quitar. I learned to do IT eleven years ago but THE EASY WAY, I mean, I play guitar quite well, but occasionally. I would like to learn TO PLAY IT better, because I think it WILL BE USEFUL IN the future when I work as an educator, because I think that music serves as a stimulUS in the process of teachING- learning.
    I like to sing songs, especially in the shower, although I prefer to TUNE INTO a radio and sing along to THE MUSIC because this WAY not only my voice is heard. My dad had a karaoke program on the computer AND we liked to sing ALONG AS a family with that program, but I do not know what happened AND NOW the program is no longer on the computer.
    I think music is important because it brightens people's lives, and wHereVER we go THERE will be music.
