
I think that this new system is best than the old system, of course, is not perfect but it is better in so many aspects, for example I can use the bus and the underground paying only one time, and that it´s so good because I pay just $130 with my student card. I have luck because the new bus take me less than before, because now have a new route, a shorter route. I think that for me is worse in just one thing, because before y will have like five different buses to come to college, whereas now serves me only one.Of course not everything was good from the beginning, because the first days whit transantiago I could not even take the bus, because the people was like crazy people taking the buses, I don´t know why people behaved like this. But now everything is more quiet.Any way, this is only my opinión, because I know that so many people have problems with this new sistem, especially those living farther. But I hope that with the time all these problems have solution.I have nothing more to say about the Transantiago, I am satisfied with this and I know that nothing is perfect. What more could you want?

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